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History & Mission

For over 40 years, Lutheran Charities’ primary mission has been to support Western New York communities with kindness, compassion, justice and generosity, joining people where they are with what they need.

By underwriting grant funding for local agencies throughout the year, Lutheran Charities helps provide education, food, health care, social support and more to our neediest and underserved neighbors in Western New York.

A generous endowment covering operating costs allows us to channel 100% of donated and contributed funds into community partner programs, each of which is fully vetted and submit quarterly progress reports.

The intersection of synergy that happens when individuals, congregations, businesses and agencies work together is crucial in creating lasting, compassionate social change.

Lutheran Charities is an established, 501c3, human service ministry of the Niagara Frontier Conference of the Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

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